
Show Review: Colour Revolt

Though their name is spelled in the King's English, Colour Revolt hail from Oxford, Mississippi-the name is a reference to 19th-century English schoolteacher Edwin Abbott's satirical novel Flatland. Their literary name is the first indication of the intelligence that enabled the mixture of huge portions of post-rock and punk in their distinctive Southern gumbo. Having opened for both mewithoutYou [show review here] and Brand New [show review here], it is perhaps unsurprising that lead vocalist Jesse Coppenbarger brings a howl not unlike that of Aaron Weiss with a deadpan delivery Jesse Lacey would be proud of.
The Southern rock that no doubt permeated their upbringing comes through most clearly in their guitar tones, Coppenbarger's a crunchy blues rhythm with Sean Kirkpatrick adding psychedelic accents. An impressive array of gear ensures their compelling riffs and complex rhythms move the crowd both physically and emotionally. Colour Revolt puts on a great live show, to the point that many of us on SAB were discussing hopefully the possibility of their imminent return with Brand New on April 30th (an eventuality that has not materialized).

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